Backpacking Isn’t All Fun, Sometimes You Want to Cut Off Your Feet

Bean Lake Overlook

Life is  hitting me pretty hard these days, so I’ve kind of been MIA. But today I need to share one quick little story from my family’s backpacking trip this summer. And I’m going to break my own rule of NEVER posting a first draft. (I’ll probably regret it tomorrow.) I’m giving you an unedited…… Continue reading Backpacking Isn’t All Fun, Sometimes You Want to Cut Off Your Feet

Our Family Goes Backpacking, But My Friend Tori’s Family REALLY Goes Backpacking

Last summer my family went backpacking in Colorado. It was just an overnight trip, and within 24 hours we had returned to civilization and were eating the biggest hamburgers we’d ever seen in our lives. It was just a sweet little trip, but because it was the final check on my post-cancer to-do list, it…… Continue reading Our Family Goes Backpacking, But My Friend Tori’s Family REALLY Goes Backpacking

The Backpacking Story that was Years in the Making

Four years after sending a query to Creation Illustrated hoping to write about my first backpacking trip, I received an invitation to write the story. Four. Years. (I’ve had to wait quite a while for responses to queries in the past, but four years is crazytown. ) It was worth the wait, however, because that…… Continue reading The Backpacking Story that was Years in the Making

Hatchet and the Superior Hiking Trail

Our family had our first “wilderness” adventure together this summer. With all of our necessities on our backs, we packed in to a primitive campsite on the Superior Hiking Trail and spent the night away from all modern conveniences.  And we all came out alive. The boys filtered water from the Split Rock River, gathered…… Continue reading Hatchet and the Superior Hiking Trail