A number of people have asked for the skin cream recipe I just tried out on my Sweet-Super-Sensitive-Skinned-Eczema-Prone-Boy-Lewis.
I have tried almost every recommended over-the-counter sensitive skin cream over the years. But up until two years ago, I hadn’t found something that consistently worked for him. Seems like at least once a week I was tossing him in the bath tub to rinse off a cream that was stinging his skin.
Then I was introduced to Jenuinely Pure. He calls their body cream “the one that doesn’t hurt.”
We’ve been using Jenuinely Pure for a couple years now, and it is really good stuff. I recommend it if you are looking for something good to buy. Compared to a lot of natural body products it is reasonably priced and as an added bonus, it’s made right here in Central Iowa.
But when I heard it’s not too difficult to make body cream and that I could save a few bucks doing it, I decided to give it a go. It’s a little painful for my cheap self to spend almost $20 on 8 ounces of lotion. When you have to moisturize a six-year-old’s whole body every night before bed, that adds up.
I looked at a number of websites and settled on the following recipe for one very important reason. It has only four ingredients. 🙂
Since making body cream feels a lot like cooking and cooking ranks right up there with plunging toilets on my favorite things to do list, the fewer the ingredients the better.
So here’s the recipe. Go ahead and give it a try.
Ingredient List
1/3 cup beeswax
3/4 cup coconut oil
3/4 cup shea butter
1/4 cup EVOO
Using a double-boiler, turn your burner to medium low. Add beeswax beads and let them start melting. While they are melting, scoop 3/4 cup coconut oil and 3/4 cup shea butter into a microwavable dish. Microwave on high for 1 1/2 minutes. Take it out and stir. It’s probably still lumpy at this point. Put it back in the microwave for another minute or so and then stir again.
Once it’s all melted together, pour the mixture over the beeswax and add 1/4 cup EVOO. Now stir continually until it becomes a lumpless liquid. It takes several minutes for the beeswax to melt.
The lumpless liquid will look a lot like concentrated pee. (I live in a house full of boys. Pee is the first thing I thought of when I looked at it. Thankfully it has a much more pleasant aroma.)

The final step is pouring it into plastic container(s) or glass jar(s), and waiting for it to cool and harden. It makes approximately 15-ounces.
The finished product is very dense and a bit greasy, but I guess that’s not surprising when half the ingredients are oil.
There might be better recipes out there, but this one is easy to make, very mildly scented and doesn’t make my baby cry. And that is good enough for me.
I found this recipe at Natural Beauty on a Budget and that site suggests adding scented oils as an option, but I think the mix of coconut oil and shea butter give it a nice scent (and that would just add more ingredients anyway). Take a look at the link. She has better pictures than I do.
I purchased all the ingredients from amazon and have enough left to make several more batches.