Proverbs 13:5 The righteous hate what is false, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied. Our kids are growing up in a society that loves making evil good and good evil. It’s a confusing and frustrating generation for Christian kids to be immersed in. The Bible draws clear lines between what is false…… Continue reading BOY MOM MONDAY – Proverbs 13:5 – Hate Sin
BOY MOM MONDAY Proverbs 12:26 Friendship
12:26 A righteous man is cautious in friendship, but the way of the wicked leads them astray. One of my oldest son’s best friends is the son of one of my college friends. It is not by accident. When our boys were in third grade, my friend and I became proactive in their friendship,…… Continue reading BOY MOM MONDAY Proverbs 12:26 Friendship
Youth Ministry is KEY in our Churches
I can’t even tell you how much I love the article I am linking to in this post. Having observed my husband pour his heart, goofiness, and musical talent into youth for more than a decade and having watched our dear friend and longtime youth pastor (turned lead pastor) pour his life into so very…… Continue reading Youth Ministry is KEY in our Churches
BOY MOM MONDAY Proverbs 11:2 Humility
Proverbs 11:2 When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom. My Owen loves to play football. Before he was old enough for school ball he played on a youth team, and man did he enjoy it. One of those years his team won one game. One game. They practiced hard and played hard,…… Continue reading BOY MOM MONDAY Proverbs 11:2 Humility
Church Vs. Kid’s Sports: 5 Principles for Making the Tough Call @ TCW
I love watching my kids play sports. I’m a quiet person by nature, but when a game gets intense sometimes I yell a little. And sometimes I grind my fingernails into Corey’s leg. And sometimes I think he’d prefer to sit with someone else. As much as I enjoy watching my kids play, extra-curriculars on Sunday are hard…… Continue reading Church Vs. Kid’s Sports: 5 Principles for Making the Tough Call @ TCW