Hatchet and the Superior Hiking Trail

Our family had our first “wilderness” adventure together this summer. With all of our necessities on our backs, we packed in to a primitive campsite on the Superior Hiking Trail and spent the night away from all modern conveniences.  And we all came out alive. The boys filtered water from the Split Rock River, gathered…… Continue reading Hatchet and the Superior Hiking Trail

A Humorous Review of “Love You Forever”

We own Love You Forever. It’s stuck in the bookcase somewhere between Oh The Thinks You Can Think and Animal Alphabet. We read it every now and then, but it always makes me feel a little funny. It’s starts out lovely but gets increasingly more bizarro with the flip of each page. I would be concerned about…… Continue reading A Humorous Review of “Love You Forever”

TCW Women of the World

  Excited to get recognition in the Today’s Christian Woman Fall print issue for taking part in the Women of the World compilation. If you haven’t had a chance to read my article about Esther and her Dorcas Ministry Shop through Mission to Haiti take a look. It’s one of the features on the TCW…… Continue reading TCW Women of the World

Today’s Christian Woman story on Haitian Dress Ministry

I was blessed blessed blessed to be to contracted to write Esther’s story (the woman on the left) for Today’s Christian Woman – Women of the World segment. I love looking back over time and seeing how God orchestrated our trip to Haiti in April and along with it the opportunity to spend a week with…… Continue reading Today’s Christian Woman story on Haitian Dress Ministry