BOY MOM MONDAY – Proverbs 13:5 – Hate Sin
Proverbs 13:5 The righteous hate what is false, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied.
Our kids are growing up in a society that loves making evil good and good evil. It’s a confusing and frustrating generation for Christian kids to be immersed in. The Bible draws clear lines between what is false and what is true, but our society no longer finds its morality within scriptures. Instead we live in a world of shifting mores. Whatever feels right right now, must be right. In this dangerous way of thinking, “truth” shifts as often as the seasons.
Movies, TV shows and even school curriculum lead our kids to believe things that are false are really true. We see it in biology and the big bang theory, we see it in the absolute lack of respect for purity, we see it in the all out pursuit of pleasure with disregard for anything or anyone that gets hurt along the way.
Hate is a harsh word, and people don’t like to use it in our culture, but God doesn’t tell us to tolerate what is false. He doesn’t tell us to ignore what is false. He doesn’t even tell us to avoid what is false. He tells us to hate it.
When we hate what is opposed to God, we are obeying his commands. This doesn’t mean hating people. God never calls us to hate people. He does however call us to hate sin. Our own sin and the sin of others. When our kids are able to see the evil of sin, they will more clearly understand their desperate need for the cross.
And more than anything, I want my kids to see their need for the cross.
Dear Lord, I ask that you will help my kids to clearly see evil for what it is. Help them to see through the sugar-coating society puts on sin and have an understanding of the depravity of it, that they may on the flipside, see the absolute beauty of the cross. Amen.