How do I hate thee, Lymphedema? Let me count the ways. Having to daily, manually coax your body into doing something that for 40+ years it did all by itself is a grind. And it’s kind of trial and error to find how to best make your body flush the lymph fluid out. Head to my Lymphedema Help page to find resources and my insight.

Yoga With Bird
After starting on Anastrozole and Verzenio, my joints (especially my hips) began to hurt. I found Bird on Youtube and I’ve been doing 10ish minutes of stretching with her every morning. I give credit to stretching and Liposomal Curcumin for the pain virtually disappearing.

Future Dreams
An excerpt from my book, Life Reconstructed, published at Future Dreams.

Wildfire Magazine
I’ve had the honor of writing a couple articles for this magazine devoted to young women with breast cancer. The stories in here are varied and heartfelt and make you feel like you aren’t alone.


Not only is Terri Coutee at DiepCJourney a breast cancer survivor, she is an advocate for women walking through the reconstruction process. Especially those women who choose Diep Flap reconstruction.
DeipCJourney Link

8 Perspectives
When people are comfortable enough to ask me about breast reconstruction, one of the things they want to know is “What was the hardest part?” It’s a tough question to answer because there are so many hard things about it both physically and emotionally. Eight women (who represent a variety of breast reconstruction procedures) attempt to answer that question in the link below.

Ticking Off Breast Cancer/Future Dreams
** Provides a safe supportive breast cancer community. ** Provides straightforward practical advice about breast cancer treatment and easy-to-navigate links to reputable online resources. ** Provides easily accessible expert and professional advice on a range of topics relevant to breast cancer treatment. ** Provides companionship to someone going through breast cancer treatment by sharing personal stories.

This is a piece I wrote on some things I’ve learned about suffering.