What happens when you go to a writer’s conference is you come home with a brain that is about to explode and a new list of books you want to read. (Some people are addicted to chocolate or exercise or alcohol. I’m addicted to books…) Needless to say, I had to add to my previous…… Continue reading Additions to My 2015 Summer Reading List
Category: Books & Book Reviews
Summer Reading List – 12 Books to Start My Summer
I read. A lot. Probably more than I should. (But the pros and cons of my reading addiction are a topic for another day.) The subject of Books I’m Reading has come up in multiple conversations over the past few weeks, so I thought I’d share (an incomplete) list of the book-worlds I plan to immerse…… Continue reading Summer Reading List – 12 Books to Start My Summer
Chemo Therapist Book Winner
Lois Nieuwendorp is the winner of Mary Potter Kenyon’s soon-to-be-released Chemo Therapist. Congrats! (Lois, if you send your address to kimharms@rocketmail.com, I’ll get the book in the mail soon.)
Chemo Therapist Book Giveaway Reminder
Just a reminder if you are interested in a signed copy of Mary Potter Kenyon’s soon-to-be-released book, Chemo Therapist: How Cancer Saved a Marriage, leave a comment on my previous post. One of my handsome children will be drawing a name on Thursday.
Chemo Therapist: How Cancer Saved A Marriage Book Review
“While we had developed an extraordinary relationship, we had never been extraordinary people. We were just two flawed humans, who eventually discovered what it was to put the other first.” – Mary Potter Kenyon, Chemo-Therapist, How Cancer Saved a Marriage. Isn’t that what it’s all about? Discovering how to put the other first? Two flawed…… Continue reading Chemo Therapist: How Cancer Saved A Marriage Book Review