Welcome to Life Reconstructed!
I’m glad you’re here, and I hope to comfort you with FREE mastectomy pillows made by an awesome group of women who call themselves The Bosom Buddies.
We have sent thousands of pillows to women in 48 states as well as Canada, England, Ireland and Puerto Rico. We’ve also shipped boxes of pillows to medical centers in several states.
To Make a Request for Mastectomy Pillows:
- Email us at mastectomypillows@gmail.com
- Please put Mastectomy Pillow Request in the subject line and include your full name, mailing address and as much information about your breast cancer journey and surgery dates as you care to include.
- It currently costs approximately $6.00 to send a set of pillows. Donations toward shipping costs can be sent by check to Jan Nelson, 680 1st St. NE, Britt, IA 50124 or ervinnelson@yahoo.com through Paypal. (This is not required, but does help us to continue our ministry.)
- Due to the cost of shipping abroad, we require a minimum $15 donation to cover shipping for overseas requests.
- If you find this website and the FREE pillows we send you helpful, please consider liking Life Reconstructed on Facebook or following @kimharmslifereconstructed on Instagram.

Two of the Bosom Buddies making pillows. The Bosom Buddies are a group of women who have each walked through cancer with their daughters, and now they make pillows to bring women comfort on their cancer journeys.