“Hug your reader with your words.” That’s what Cec Murphey said. Hug your dad with your words. That’s what the quiet voice in my head echoed back to me. My dad is not a hugger. Actually, I’m not a hugger by nature either. I trained myself to be okay with people entering my very large personal space bubble. Hugging may not come naturally to me, but words do. From my mouth they often lack, but from my fingertips they flow. My dad is scheduled to have triple bypass surgery this week. Like chest wide open and mess with the most…
A mansion. A stormy night. A cast of quirky characters. No telephone service. A murder. Another murder. Nowhere to go. I don’t know if Cecil Murphey did it on purpose or not, but this book made me want to watch the movie Clue. A group of people relatively unfamiliar to one another are summoned to the dinner party of a wealthy man who is privy to information that could lead to the ruin of each and every one of them. I’m not gonna lie, as I read, I envisioned the dining room of the Clue mansion. The 317-page book was…