January 9, 2014 KimHarms 1Comment

From the wealthy, to the unborn, to the hurting, to the poverty-stricken, God has placed a value on human life far above any other piece of his creation. This month a group of guest-bloggers will share a variety of stories that will cause us to think about the amazing value of life. Thanks for joining our Sanctity of Life journey. *** My first guest blogger is Alphonsine Imaniraguha. Though we have spent very little time face-to-face, we have grown a bond online. I have had the privilege of sharing pieces of her story on this blog and the honor of editing…

January 6, 2014 KimHarms

From the wealthy, to the unborn, to the hurting, to the poverty-stricken, God has placed a value on human life far above any other piece of his creation. This month a group of guest-bloggers will share a variety of stories that will cause us to think about the amazing value of life. Thanks for joining our Sanctity of Life journey. *** My first guest blogger is Alphonsine Imaniraguha. Though we have spent very little time face-to-face, we have grown a bond online. I have had the privilege of sharing pieces of her story on this blog and the honor of editing…

August 1, 2013 KimHarms

If you’ve been reading 26 Letters for a while, you have met Alphonsine. She has shared bits of her story of surviving and overcoming the horrors of the 1994 Rwandan genocide and of God’s awesome provision in her adult life. Alphonsine now lives and works in the US and has a passion to use her life experience to help others.  The primary goal of her non-profit organization Rising Above the Storms (R.A.S.) is to “reach out, encourage and inspire people who are hurting, abandoned, or challenged in life in any way. We aim to bring hope and motivation to rebuild a brighter and more positive tomorrow.”…