5 Reasons I Would Fail as a Girly-Girl Mom
As I admired all the beautiful prom dresses at church today, I was reminded that I will never help a daughter prepare for a formal. And I thought of several reasons why that is probably a very good thing.
1. I have never had nor do I ever plan to get a pedicure.
2. I’ve had one professional manicure: the day before my wedding.
3. I own exactly 2 purses. The gray one I bought at Goodwill, and the black one I’ve had since college.
4. I own one necklace, three rings and four pairs of earrings.
5. All of my make-up (except for the lip gloss I keep in my purse) fits in one teeny-tiny little plastic box.
I’m not saying I don’t care about my appearance, because I do like to look presentable most of the time. But I am most definitely not a girly-girl.
If God had chosen to give me a baby girl, I might have figured out what to do with her and I probably would have had fun prom dress shopping. But I will happily reside in my stinky-sock, toilet-seat-up, testosterone-filled home.