I was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 40, so I was on the old side of young when cancer struck. I didn’t have all the worries of a young woman diagnosed with breast cancer, but there are definitely a variety of concerns young women deal with that older women don’t. Today I’ve compiled a list of helpful links for young breast cancer fighters and survivors.
Wildfire Magazine is the first. I have had the opportunity to write two articles for Wildfire, a bi-monthly magazine for young fighters and survivors of breast cancer. The editor, April Stearns, is a young survivor with a heart and passion to come alongside other women. Her magazine has real and raw stories and is beautifully laid out. You can subscribe to receive a print or online version of this magazine. It’s good stuff.

Wildfire recently began a partnership with Rethink Breast Cancer. I haven’t spent a lot of time on this website yet, but it’s definitely worth taking a look .

Below are links to a few other organizations and blogs for young women with breast cancer
When Breast Cancer Came to My House (This is my diagnosis story.)
If you or anyone you know is in need of mastectomy pillows, head over to my FREE MASTECTOMY PILLOW page and fill out a form. We’d be happy to send you a set,