January 20, 2021 KimHarms 2Comment

Up the ladder On the loft She snuggles in with her boy Her hand on his small back Memorizing the little bumps of his spine That mole on his shoulder The silk of his hair Scratching his back until his rhythmic breath Informs her of sleep. There is only this moment. Only she and her little boy. The one God gave her out of heartache. The beauty born out of the ashes. And she is wholly unable to remove herself from this beauty Motionless she fears when he wakes He will be compelled to witness the slow fade of his…

September 9, 2020 KimHarms 83Comment

I cried on and off for 8+ hours the day our governor announced that spring sports in Iowa were cancelled. By the time I went to bed, my eyes were burning. My nose was raw from blowing and wiping it. And I’m pretty sure there was a little guy with a hammer in my head pounding nails into my skull. I recognized this feeling. The first wave of grief. The last time I felt it was when cancer so unfairly took a piece of me. This time it was because circumstances beyond my control took something of great value from…

January 20, 2020 KimHarms 8Comment

Four years ago today, I got the biopsy results. Four years ago today, I couldn’t catch my breath. Four years ago today, I collapsed into Corey arms. Four years ago today, fear was a physical presence surrounding me and pressing in. Four years ago today, I was handed the monumental burden of figuring out the best way to break my boys’ hearts. Four years ago today, I cried myself to sleep. Four years ago today, my life forever changed. Four years ago today, God allowed me to be reduced to ashes. But here’s the thing. My God makes beauty from…

November 11, 2019 KimHarms 9Comment

Need some gift ideas for a mom, daughter, wife or friend who is having a mastectomy and breast reconstruction? The following are 10 useful things to make her feel loved. A Soft Blanket My BFF gave me this Sherpa blanket. As you can see I wasn’t the only one in my house who loved it. This blanket saw me through a lot of sleepless nights. *** Mastectomy Pillows You’re in luck. We provide those for free here, because my mom and her friends, The Bosom Buddies, are giving and caring and overall awesome in every way. Just head to my FREE Mastectomy…

October 16, 2019 KimHarms

Last week I had the opportunity to attend the annual Bras for the Cause Gala with my brother  in Des Moines. I’ve posted some photos to social media, so maybe you’ve seen this sculpture already, but I wanted to share Keith’s (Keith Nelson Arts) description of the piece he created and donated to be auctioned off in my honor.  All proceeds from the event go toward providing underprivileged women with necessary mammograms and cervical screenings. How many people can say that their story inspired a piece of art? And that that piece of art is helping people?  It’s pretty sweet….