Welcome to Breast Reconstruction Thoughts where I feature women who have undergone a single or bilateral mastectomy. Most have also had breast reconstruction, but some have not. Some entered this world through cancer, others due to testing positive for the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation which highly increases their chances of a future cancer diagnosis.…… Continue reading Breast Reconstruction Thoughts – Tamara Becker – Breast Cancer at Age 30
Tag: breast reconstruction
Breast Reconstruction Thoughts – Rachel Akslen – BRCA2 Positive
Welcome to Breast Reconstruction Thoughts at Life Reconstructed. Each Tuesday this fall, I am featuring a woman who has undergone a single or bilateral mastectomy. Most have also had breast reconstruction, but some have not. Some entered this world through cancer, others due to testing positive for the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation which highly…… Continue reading Breast Reconstruction Thoughts – Rachel Akslen – BRCA2 Positive
Breast Reconstruction Thoughts – Cathy VanMaanen, TRAM Flap Reconstruction
Welcome to Breast Reconstruction Thoughts (a profile series) at Life Reconstructed. Each Tuesday this fall, I will feature a woman who has undergone a single or bilateral mastectomy. Most have also undergone breast reconstruction, but some have not. Some entered this world through cancer, others due to testing positive for the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene…… Continue reading Breast Reconstruction Thoughts – Cathy VanMaanen, TRAM Flap Reconstruction
Breast Reconstruction – Thoughts From Women Who Have Been There (a profile series)
On Tuesdays, starting next week, I will begin featuring profiles of women who have undergone a single or bilateral mastectomy. Most of the women to be featured have been through reconstruction of some sort, and a few have opted to go flat as it’s called in the breast cancer world. There’s no right or wrong…… Continue reading Breast Reconstruction – Thoughts From Women Who Have Been There (a profile series)
Life Reconstructed
We live a construction life over here at the Harms house. I’ve been watching my man build amazing things for two decades. But I never imagined there would be a point in my life when a piece of me would have to be physically reconstructed. That at age 40 my chest would literally be taken…… Continue reading Life Reconstructed