I’m talking about cancer and water and sinking and faith strengthened by a stormy sea at inspireafire.com today. You can start reading here and follow the link at the bottom to the rest of the story. When you pass through the waters I will be with you. Isaiah 43:2 The image of water was…… Continue reading When Cancer Pushed Me Out of the Boat and Into the Water
Category: Breast Cancer
I Found My Breast Cancer Story on Rise and Soar Above the Cancer Valley
Look what I found in the big wide world of the Internet while doing a little writing research – my story on author Shirley Corder’s website. I remember when she requested my cancer story for her Testimony page, but I don’t remember ever seeing it after if was published. What a fun little surprise. Things…… Continue reading I Found My Breast Cancer Story on Rise and Soar Above the Cancer Valley
Life Reconstructed
We live a construction life over here at the Harms house. I’ve been watching my man build amazing things for two decades. But I never imagined there would be a point in my life when a piece of me would have to be physically reconstructed. That at age 40 my chest would literally be taken…… Continue reading Life Reconstructed
Backpacking and Breast Cancer
I posted the following statement on July 18, 2016. We cancelled our plans for a family backpacking trip to Colorado this summer because a backpack and chest expanders are a bad combination. (Just wearing a seat belt across my chest right now about drives me batty.) Next summer the Harms family will be climbing some…… Continue reading Backpacking and Breast Cancer
When I Was Scared by Lewis Harms
I go through all the boys notebooks at the end of each school year and keep a sampling of what they’ve done. Lewis’ stories often inspire laughter. But this rare gem brought tears. I was scared too, Mr. Lewis. And what I wanted most in the world was to protect you from the fear I…… Continue reading When I Was Scared by Lewis Harms