November 14, 2013 KimHarms 4Comment

It was right there on my dry erase calendar in green marker and I missed it. Lewis – Reading Under the Stars I know I  looked at the calendar during breakfast. I know I saw the words. And somehow I still missed it. So I sent my sweet little six-year-old to school without his pillow…without his book…and without the coolest and most important part of the equation…his flashlight. What did I feel like when I noticed my oversight shortly before it was time to go pick him up from school? Worst mom ever. That’s what. Uggghhh! I am a planner….

November 11, 2013 KimHarms

“The less clothes she has on, the more likely she is to be carrying emotional baggage.” Love this quote on modesty from the Hearts at Home Conference I attended this weekend. It’s about the only thing I got out of this particular workshop because the speaker, who obviously has a much different personality than me, kept making me interact with the person sitting next to me. I DID NOT KNOW THE PERSON SITTING NEXT TO ME. For the whole 50-minute session I kept thinking things like, “What is she going to make me say to this lady next?” and “Oh…

October 7, 2013 KimHarms

Perler beads and the mind of a creative six-year-old boy can be a dangerous combination. Ten purposeless points to the first person who correctly guesses what this. Go!

September 25, 2013 KimHarms

To those of you whose exposure to male children is minimal and/or whose faces turn varying shades of pink at the mention of certain body parts, please consider this a caution. You may not want to read my guest post at Ironic Mom today. It is not my typical blog post, but it is a true story plucked right out of my everyday life. One of those stories generally reserved  for my “mommy-soul-mate” Marti. The friend God knew I needed long before I did. Between our combined six male children, we have some tales you probably wouldn’t believe if we…