My monthly post is up at Inspire a Fire. Talking about motherhood today. The Evolution of a Mother’s Role “It was sorta okay.” That may not sound like much of a sentence, but when as a mother you hear those four words exit the mouth of a child who has been in the midst of…… Continue reading The Evolution of Motherhood @ Inspire a Fire
This is What it’s Like When Home is Your Office
When your house looks like this and you need to get some writing done, but you are too much of a hermit to pack up and find a different location from which to work, you move a chair in front of a window and pretend that because you can’t see the mess, it doesn’t exist.…… Continue reading This is What it’s Like When Home is Your Office
Sometimes You’ve Gotta Take Care of Some Crap to Get to Where You Want to Be
Sometimes our house smells like crap. Literally. (Not figuratively-literally. Literally-literally.) And I love it. (Not the smell, the house.) It’s been two months since we moved in, and I still have an overwhelming feeling of gratitude every time I turn onto my cracked, narrow driveway. God gave us this house. I mean, we bought it…… Continue reading Sometimes You’ve Gotta Take Care of Some Crap to Get to Where You Want to Be
Talking Breast Cancer and Marriage at Christianity Today Women
When I started writing my article that went live today at Christianity Today Women, my intentions weren’t to share the story with the world. I was writing for myself. Therapy on paper. But in the midst of it, the call out came for marriage articles, and I knew (if Corey would give me his blessing)…… Continue reading Talking Breast Cancer and Marriage at Christianity Today Women
Just a Mom Shamelessly Promoting Her Boy’s youtube Channel
He’s being creative (albiet crazy) and it makes me happy. This one involves basketball, tabasco sauce, a freezing cold creek and 30 seconds of oh-my-goodness-my-son-has-lost-his-mind at the end. Watch and give Owen a like if you feel so inclined. EXTREME GAME OF PIG CHALLENGE (Flip Shots youtube channel)