Krystal and I live in the same community and have mutual friends, but have only met in person once in passing at a school event. (Maybe someday we can find the time to grab a coffee and talk about our shared experience.) She has graciously taken the time to tell her story, and you will…… Continue reading Krystal Ruby – Bilateral Mastectomy with DEIP Flap Reconstruction
Category: Breast Cancer
Breast Reconstruction Thoughts – Amber Schoenauer – Single Mastectomy
Welcome to Breast Reconstruction Thoughts where I feature women who have undergone a single or bilateral mastectomy. Most have also had breast reconstruction, but some have not. Some entered this world through cancer, others due to testing positive for the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation which highly increases their chances of a future cancer diagnosis.…… Continue reading Breast Reconstruction Thoughts – Amber Schoenauer – Single Mastectomy
Metastatic Breast Cancer Research
Pink is everywhere this month. From the flags the refs throw at my 4th grader’s football games to the shoes NBA players wear to super cool basketball’s like the one Owen’s friends gave him after my diagnosis. I am thankful for Nancy Brinker, who started the Susan G. Komen Foundation after her only sister died…… Continue reading Metastatic Breast Cancer Research
Breast Reconstruction Thoughts – Valerie McClure – “Going Flat” after Mastectomy
Welcome to Breast Reconstruction Thoughts where I feature women who have undergone a single or bilateral mastectomy. Most have also had breast reconstruction, but some have not. Some entered this world through cancer, others due to testing positive for the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation which highly increases their chances of a future cancer diagnosis.…… Continue reading Breast Reconstruction Thoughts – Valerie McClure – “Going Flat” after Mastectomy
How A Bunch of Teenage Boys Unexpectedly Cured My Sadness
I seldom fear cancer will come back. I’ve read the stats, and I know that because I found my tumor early, my chances of another bout with it are very slim. And aside from the fact that I tend to write about cancerish things a lot, it’s a rare day that cancer thoughts overwhelm me.…… Continue reading How A Bunch of Teenage Boys Unexpectedly Cured My Sadness