Given a choice between the hard things and the easy things, I’d pick easy. But sometimes God doesn’t let me choose. One year ago today Corey and I faced a really hard thing. A 5-hour surgery to remove my cancer and my breasts. I remember it with an ache in my heart. But right beside…… Continue reading Without the Hard Things
Category: Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer and Tree Houses
One year ago today I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Today Corey and I closed on our tree house. (Sometimes I name my houses 🙂 ) These two things don’t seem connected, but they bookend a chapter in the same story. Building/Moving/Selling/Moving is woven into the fabric of our family life. Many of our decisions are weighed…… Continue reading Breast Cancer and Tree Houses
Thanking God (and John Piper) at Inspire a Fire
The topic at Inspire a Fire this month is thankfulness. Many of you have already read this letter I wrote to John Piper, but I felt it worthy of being my “thankful” post this month. I can’t read it without an overwhelming feeling of thankfulness and love for my Savior who cares for me in…… Continue reading Thanking God (and John Piper) at Inspire a Fire
Checking Things Off the Post Cancer To-Do List
Just before my exchange surgery in July, I posted 6 things I planned to do with my post cancer-invasion self. So here I am to brag that I’ve accomplished all but one 🙂 (Backpacking requires some wilderness and a trail, both of which Central Iowa is a little short on, so that one’s gonna have to wait.)…… Continue reading Checking Things Off the Post Cancer To-Do List
Free Mastectomy Pillows
My mom and her friends continue to make armpit pillows for mastectomy patients. They ship these all over the US, and through their act of service to others I’ve been able to have some lovely email conversations with women who are making their way through breast cancer. These pillows are FREE. If you are interested,…… Continue reading Free Mastectomy Pillows