Books are one of my favorite things in the world. I’m finishing up #37 of the year right now, and I’ve listed my Top 10 below in no particular order. (Well, okay, if I’m honest the last one on the list might be my favorite.) Maybe you can find some to add to your 2022 reading list. (Click on the book cover to go buy the book.)

MODERN FICTION: This one is very character driven and not generally the type of book that I read, but I thought it was fantastic. Eleanor’s character is quirky, socially awkward and completely likeable.

HISTORICAL FICTION: I love that this book was inspired by an old photo. Set in the 30s, the premise of the story is heartbreaking, but it is so well-written and unique.

MEMOIR: Beautiful story of walking through immense suffering and the presence of peace that God provides throughout. It’s on of those reads that makes you think about God’s purpose in hard things.

MARRIAGE: Juli does a fantastic job of displaying how we, as wives, can really make or break our husband’s spirit in the way we live our lives with them. My husband is my favorite person in this world, and this book made me want to strive to work through the areas where we disagree or don’t understand each other.

MEMOIR: This is absolutely heartbreaking and absolutely encouraging. Suleika is brutally honest about the awfulness of cancer, and she is incredibly inspiring in her the real life adventure she took as a result of her life detour through cancer.

EDUCATIONAL: I’m guessing many of you won’t be interested in this one, but I learned so much about the rolls of various types of editors and found it super interesting.

PARENTING: The experience and perspectives Muchnick and Curtis have from counseling students and students’ parents, along with the significant amount of research they did for this book, really makes this a valuable read. There were a couple topics I couldn’t relate to, but it is so worth the read if you are parenting teens.

PERSONAL GROWTH: I can honestly say that after reading this book and going through the companion journal, there are hurts from my past that used to come to mind regularly that now only pop up on rare occasions, and when they do, my emotions that are tied to them are much healthier.

HISTORICAL FICTION: Hard to put down story of two girls living in poverty and abusive situations who find they need each other to survive. I read this one in a couple days.