Life Reconstructed
We live a construction life over here at the Harms house.
I’ve been watching my man build amazing things for two decades. But I never imagined there would be a point in my life when a piece of me would have to be physically reconstructed. That at age 40 my chest would literally be taken apart and put back together.
During that process of physical breast reconstruction, non-physical parts of my life were reconstructed as well.
Pieces of my marriage were taken apart and reconstructed.
Pieces of my thought life were taken apart and reconstructed.
Pieces of my self-esteem were taken apart and reconstructed.
Pieces of my sense of womanhood were taken apart and reconstructed.
And pieces of my relationship with my Savior were taken apart and reconstructed too.
The funny thing is, when my physical body healed, the feeling was gone and I was left with permanent physical numbness.
But as the non-physical parts of me worked through the reconstruction process, the depth of my emotions intensified. I now feel more deeply than I ever have before. I love my husband more. I have more confidence as the woman God created me to be. I find more joy in adventurous things. And I cling to my Savior with a new intensity.
Sometimes I miss the before-cancer me. I miss life without hot flashes. I miss knowing my husband was the only person who ever got to see me with my shirt off. And I miss the naivety of thinking I’d live my smooth-sailing-life to old age and die on a porch swing with my Corey by my side.
But I don’t miss those things of the past as much as I treasure my life in the now. Breast cancer and breast reconstruction were the means the infinitely wise God used to get me to this place, and I choose to be thankful. Thankful for the trial and thankful for my life reconstructed.
I’m also thankful you’ve come along for the ride 🙂
Kim, you have been an inspiration to me as well as many others. Thank you for sharing your journey that we may learn more about our loving God & see Him in action. Blessings
Thanks Sherry 🙂
Thank you for sharing your journey with us, Kim. I look forward to learning more in the future. Blessings!
Thanks Cathy! I’m so glad I’ve been getting to know you through our mutual love of Jesus and writing.
Hey Kim! I Love your new website! God is using you for sure! Just wanted you to know I clicked on the link you gave and it worked! Keep up the amazing work of writing, sharing, & inspiring many!
Thanks Jenifer! The new website has been almost more than my brain can take, but I think I’m getting it figured out 🙂