On this first day of breast cancer awareness month, let’s be aware of the guy.

- The guy who has to answer a phone call from his wife while he is at work in the middle of The-Project-From-Hell and learn that she found a new lump and her oncologist is squeezing her into the schedule that afternoon.
- The guy who is awakened at 2 a.m. by a wife who is in so much pain from surgery that she cannot bear to be awake alone.
- The guy who has to put on a brave face and shave his wife’s head.
- The guy who desperately wants to fix it, but can only watch the one he loves be poisoned time and time again in an effort to kill the cancer.
- The guy who is repeatedly asked, “How is your wife doing?” but rarely, “How are you doing?”
Let’s be aware of that guy. Mine is selfless and humble and I thank Jesus for him Every. Single. Day.