Flying Cheese ~ A Kindergarten Confession

It was all because of the flying cheese. I was tucking my little man into bed when he made his cheese confession. “Mom, I forgot to tell you something.” (Lewis, who shares pretty much every detail of his every day life with me, “forgot” to tell me something…my ears perked up immediately.) “What’s that buddy?” “I…… Continue reading Flying Cheese ~ A Kindergarten Confession

“Mom, Let Go” – A Poem About My Boy

Because sometimes milestones can be equally joy-filled and heart-breaking. “Mom, let go.”  * Three small words A punch to the gut Tears behind sunglasses Broken heart  * Black bicycle seat Released from my grasp Unfettered boy Riding free  * Simple mastery of Two-wheels But to me It is more * He can do it On…… Continue reading “Mom, Let Go” – A Poem About My Boy